Sammi Dernee

Sammi Dernee


Sammi Dernee, Tamworth NSW

Discipline: Professional Showjumping

Career Highlight: Country young rider champion on TP All Class and first Grand Prix win on Diamond B Casanova. Another highlight is being about to ride and compete in Germany.

Best Horse: Diamond B Casanova, YPH Coachella. But I must say that the best horse I’ve ever had was TP All Class, not because he was the best, but because he had the biggest heart. He also was my first young horse to train to a high level.

Why do you choose Farmalogic products?

I use Farmalogic products because they work. You can see the results in my horses and they are performing great!

How did you first get started on Farmalogic products?

I was given some products to try at Adelaide 3DE 2019 and we’ve never looked back.

Which products do you use?

I use Equine Vit&Min Omega-3 PLUS  everyday for every horse on the property. I’m also a fan of the B-Good Paste.

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