Tayla Finn

Tayla Finn

Tayla Finn, Laidley QLD

Discipline: Showing, Dressage and occasionally showjumping.

Career Highlight: Currently, my main highlight would have to be bringing my own horse up through the levels from a young and green 5yo and having achieved amazing results on him after a very long but rewarding journey.

Current Horse: Burren-Dah Mr Myagi – 8yo Arabian riding pony x welsh

Why do you choose Farmalogic products?

We choose Farmalogic products because of the amazing results that are always achieved. Ever since starting my pony on the EVM Premium Blend around 7 years ago now and seeing just how amazing the results were, we couldn’t resist using it for the other horses and the results really do show, not only on the outside but on the inside too.

How did you first get started on Farmalogic products?

We had seen advertisements about EVM Premium Blend and heard a few glowing recommendations and as soon as we tried the products it is something we have never turned away from.

Which products do you use?

On a daily basis we currently use EVM Premium Blend, Omega Balancer, and ReFLEX.
All four horses are fed Premium Blend and Omega Balancer daily and it keeps them feeling and looking great all year round, even with their winter coats they will still be gleaming! Our farrier has also commented on how healthy their feet are even though the ground is very hard it is very rare that they will ever crack and chip.
My main horse Mr Myagi (Eski) had a severe suspensory ligament injury and we started him on the ReFLEX and the vet was amazed at how fast he healed and he is now back in full competition work.
We use Farmalogic Rejuvenateif the horses are going into a stressful situation such as long transport and over night shows so that they will still perform and feel their best.

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