Tereza Husakova

Tereza Husakova, Hunter Valley, NSW
Discipline: Dressage
Professional / Amateur: Professional
Career Highlight: I was stoked to make the top 10 in the Sydney CDI Inter 1 2019
Best Horse: Royal Delight PE
Why do you choose Farmalogic?
I only feed products I believe in and products that have scientific backing. I also love that they have a wide range of products.
How did you first get started on Farmalogic products?
I always had my horses on vitamin and mineral supplements as I understand that you every horse needs to have a balanced diet. I was looking for a supplement that would be suitable for my performance horses and couldn’t find anything I liked until I found Equine Vit&Min Premium Blend.
Which products do you use?
I started my horses in the Premium Blend and they just flourished. Since then I switched to Equine Vit&Min Tropical-Pro due to high oxalate grasses in our paddocks and I would never change back. We also use Farmalogic Omega Balancer for the extra coat shine and overall health. We use Farmalogic ReLEAF for our performance horses, for ulcer prevention. When we have lots of new grass growing and some weeds grow through, we quickly reach for Farmalogic Grazaid, for the extra advantage against mycotoxins. The top-level horses are permanently on Farmalogic’s Reflex for their joints. I love Farmalogic products, the difference the product made in my horses by just adding that little bit of extra, is undeniable.